Case Study: Further Together


We created, produced and distributed a 3-episode web series to strengthen Accenture's talent branding efforts and help achieve its Inclusion & Diversity (I&D) hiring targets. We featured 3 role models from its primary I&D categories - veterans, LGBTQ and persons with disabilities (PwDs) - to ensure top-of-mind awareness and desirability amongst viewers from the targeted talent pool.

Our interactions led to the insight that Accenture's longstanding commitment to the arts could help further humanize the brand and drive qualified traffic to its career site. Consequently, we highlighted 2 artists - a musician and a spoken word poet - to elevate the episodes.


The series was exclusively released on our social channels with a focus on exposing it to veterans, LGBTQ individuals and PwDs in India. We targeted potential applicants in the 25 to 45 age bracket with demonstrable interests and/or active participation in these communities.

Impressions: 558,000
The number of times our assets were displayed to our target audience.

Views: 119,000
The number of times our assets were consumed by our target audience.

Unique Reach: 440,000
The number of unique people who were exposed to our series.

Time Period: 3 weeks


Guest: Teenasai Balamu | I&D Category: LGBTQ
Guest: Dr. Rupinder Kaur | I&D Category: Veterans
Guest: Nipun Malhotra | I&D Category: PwD

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